Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Is There even Ice Cream in Europe?

Ciao from the ‘burbs of Chicago! I’ve been twiddling my thumbs and staring at the calendar for the past few months now. Some of my friends have already departed for London, Rome, and Florence to begin their Europe excursion. I, on the other hand, must now feast my eyes on their newly tagged pictures on Facebook and updated statuses, or their awkward first encounters via blog. As the little child inside me chants, “not fair,” I daydream about walking the streets of Florence in my cute, leather boots, swallowing up the cities culture. There are only 11 days left until I depart for my adventure and I still have a shopping list of things to do:
1) Buy, buy, buy. I need more clothes, purses, a carry-on, and all of my toiletries.
2) Figure out what kind of cell phone I will use to communicate. My wallet tells me to opt for an Italian phone, but my fingers want to BBM on a blackberry.
3) Figure out how I will obtain cash in Italy. ATM card? Bonds? Or transfer all my cash into Euros?
4) MORE MUSIC. Traveling from country to country requires some form of entertainment. The library usually lets people rent CD’s (aka uploading them onto your computer.) I also want to figure out how to download torrent. Sorry Itunes, I just don’t have the funds to buy music at the moment.
5) Printing documents for a Permit of Stay. (As if the Visa wasn’t enough) My empty suitcases need filling. Arrivederci!